Sunday, April 3, 2011

Global Concerns: From my perspective...

With all these chapters I've talked about, it's hard not to notice that there are small things that can slowly effect the outcome of the statistics we see in our book. Whether it's giving food to a food bank, conserving energy, raising money for charities, supporting education and making sure people see the importance of school (especially in our own country), stepping up if you hear a rude comment about someone's race or ethnicity. Everything is supposed to get better with time, but it's never going to happen unless everyone comes together. I forgot what brand the commercial is advertising but the motto is "pass it on" and you see someone over seeing another person doing a good deed and then they themselves go and do a good deed, and so on. If you do something to make the future a little brighter for others, hopefully others will see the good you are doing and they will do the same for someone else.

I see racism in every form decreasing in "popularity" over time because when looking back at hour history you can't really ever see going back to that state of ignorance. Poverty on the other hand is hard to picture an outcome, since you have so many things to consider. Such as economics of not only that country but other countries buying or selling to that country. With a rise in poverty among children you find especially disturbing because there are only so many ways they can support themselves and eventually get out of poverty. The fact that we are loosing so many of our natural resources just adds to the diminishing hope that remains for our world. We will see that progression is only a good thing until it is taken advantage of, the things that are benefiting other countries are hurting the rest. We should support the people who are trying to make a living and support their families instead of supporting the few at the top who have control over the wealth, and monopolies.

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