Friday, April 1, 2011

Chapter 8: Social Class and Social Stratification

Social Stratification, is a system of structured social inequality.

Social Class, is the social structural position groups hold relative to the economic, social , political, and cultural resources of society.

PBS social class article

I picked this chapter because most people don't get to see the effects of the decisions that we make on a daily basis and how something we think that is so little like buying a shirt has such an impact on another country and how we are sometimes willingly allowing that impact to take place, myself one of them. I know that most of my clothes aren't made in the U.S. I also know that the people sometimes kids making my clothes aren't in the best situation and are being taken advantage of for the sake of consumerism, that I partake in.
It's funny how and when we confront problems in America, only when it's directly effecting us or someone we know very well do we ever feel like questioning the problem and trying to fix and find a solution for it. If it's a problem we can't see, then how is it ever going to effect us, we never look into the future to see the long term problems of our spending but only focus on whats in front of us. And we don't see the people working 12+ hour shifts making the clothes we only wear for a season, of people living in slums because we take advantage of other countries in order to let ours profit. Why is there inequality? Why are people so greedy? It's sad when brands define a person and set them in a social class, and tell everyone the kind of income we are making, and the status we have.

Word Cross!!!

Please watch this movie Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices, I watched it a year ago (available on netflix also). A lot of the movie shows how it currupted America, but a portion of it shows the workers in the factories in China and the living condition they have and the "Rules" they have to follow just to survive! The high cost of low prices!!!

Below is an article about outsourcing and to quote my favorite part of the article;“India can provide our software; China can provide our toys; Sri Lanka can make our clothes; Japan can make our cars. But at some point we have to ask, what will we export? At what will Americans work? And for what kind of wages?” We are destroying our own economy. Of course there's only going to be a high class and a low income class, we ourselves are destroying all the blue collar jobs that America has prided it's self in. Of course we are going to loose our middle class!

The Worker And The Tramp
Jack London

Heaven bless you, my friend -
You, the man who won’t sweat;
Here’s a quarter to spend.
If you did but mend,
My job you would get; -
Heaven bless you, my friend. -
On you I depend
For my work, don’t forget; -
Here’s a quarter to spend.
My hand I extend,
For I love you, you bet: -
Here’s a quarter to spend.
Ah! you comprehend
That I owe a debt;
Heaven bless you, my friend,
Here’s a quarter to spend.

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